Info & Contact

Bahnhofstraße 1
54662 Speicher
T: +49 (0) 65 62 – 96 78 0
F: +49 (0) 65 62 – 96 78 22

NEW: Potato and rosemary bread

Baking is our passion. It is therefore not surprising that we also experiment with new recipe ideas in our free time. The latest fruit of this urge to discover is our potato and rosemary bread. You absolutely have to try this bread. An incredibly aromatic and absolutely unique bread. With its spicy crust, it is ideal for nice barbecue evenings – as an accompaniment to everything that can be barbecued. But it is also ideal for an extended brunch or delicious antipasti platters. But beware – if you bring this potato and rosemary bread to the next barbecue party, you have to be careful that you don’t get a piece of it.


Of course, as in all our breads, we do not use any additives, ready-made baking mixes or even artificial flavors in our new potato-rosemary bread. We attach great importance to this. Our enthusiastic customers know that.


The new, delicious potato and rosemary bread is currently available to order in our bakery shop on Triererstraße in Speicher and in our café & bakery shop on Bahnhofstraße in Speicher in the Eifel. A short email or a phone call is enough.